Work Processes

Documents Section Work Processes

Alumni Relations Center Work Processes

Journalism Section Work Processes
Editing and Interviewing: Students’ work is divided by campus for news collection, writing and photos.
Publication: The target readership of this publication is all students, including those in masters’, doctoral, undergraduate and executive masters’ programs, and all faculty and staff members. So that everyone receives the information in a timely manner, MC Weekly is distributed through an APP, a Facebook page and as a printed newspaper via stands that have been set up around the flow of people on campuses. The Facebook and e-versions were established in 2012, while the APP was launched in 2016. The electronic versions are updated regularly as news breaks. The weekly printed version is available to those on Taipei and Taoyuan campuses, and at Jihe Complex every Monday of the two regular semesters. Those who study at Kinmen receive MC Weekly on Wednesday due to time needed for postal delivery, while students at Michigan location and Matzu access MC Weekly digitally.