
Work Processes


Documents Section Work Processes

Documents Section handles the affairs related to reviewing, proofreading, transferring and sealing of all official documents. The daily work includes reviewing and sealing of university receipts, invoices, checks, rosters, subsidies, business trip applications and business trip expense reimbursement reports. Facing the e-Era, the Documents Section has implemented computerization on campus, promoting the efficiency of handing official documents, through collaboration with the Information and Network Division to promote and complete the Official Document Control System, wherein all official documents and e-forms can be completed and approved on line. Documents Section also handles the affairs related to the Board of Directors, president’s nomination and reappointment, convening of meetings, managing president’s mailbox, replying to the questions or transferring the questions to the relevant units.

Receiving Dispatching and Archiving Official Documents
President’s Mailbox


Alumni Relations Center Work Processes

Regarding alumni services, loans of books and sports equipment have been integrated and discounted for alumni use. Alumni Cards are issued and the lifelong alumni e-mail system has been improved. In the meantime, the section holds frequent activities to promote interaction among the alumni, faculty and staff members, and students. The Alumni Relations Section is also in charge of designing and producing the alumni promotional materials and souvenirs.

Fund Raising Affairs Promotion


Journalism Section Work Processes

Editing and Interviewing: Students’ work is divided by campus for news collection, writing and photos.

Publication: The target readership of this publication is all students, including those in masters’, doctoral, undergraduate and executive masters’ programs, and all faculty and staff members. So that everyone receives the information in a timely manner, MC Weekly is distributed through an APP, a Facebook page and as a printed newspaper via stands that have been set up around the flow of people on campuses. The Facebook and e-versions were established in 2012, while the APP was launched in 2016. The electronic versions are updated regularly as news breaks. The weekly printed version is available to those on Taipei and Taoyuan campuses, and at Jihe Complex every Monday of the two regular semesters. Those who study at Kinmen receive MC Weekly on Wednesday due to time needed for postal delivery, while students at Michigan location and Matzu access MC Weekly digitally.

Publications Editing Affairs


Public Relations Section Work Processes

The goals of the unit are to actively interact and contact with the media, promote the announcement and communication of positive news, establish standard procedures for holding press conferences and announcing news, promote the quality of press conferences and the speed of communicating messages. Recently, the unit has closely collaborated with the Extracurricular Activities Section of the Student Affairs Division to promote the visibility of on-campus featured activities and allow citizens to understand Ming Chuan University from other points of view.

Media Response and Handling